
Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We're here to help you

Individual Profile Reports
What is involved in the Profiling Session?

Our process starts with a profiling session which we use to consider your personal style, problem solving strengths, transferable skills and career preferences. The profiling session usually takes 2.5 to 3 hours to complete online.

What is included in the Careers Profile Report?

We then develop your Careers Profile Report, which provides a framework to start your own journey of discovery, integrating those insights from the profile which resonate and determining their importance in your career planning. You can view an example here.

How does the Interview work?

One of our professional career counsellors will then review your Report in detail and help you consider next steps during a one-hour interview via video conference.

What is the Action Plan?

To get started on your career planning, we then guide you through an Action Plan process on our web-based portal. We use the insights you have gained from your Careers Profile Report, and help to link you with resources, tasks and processes to help structure your career decision making and leave you with an actionable plan.

Note that services provided within a school environment may be adapted to integrate with the school's Career Education and Development programs and objectives.

Partner Schools
Who are Career Avenues' partner schools?

We partner with many of Australia's top private schools - from Knox Grammar, Queenwood and International Grammar School in Sydney, to St Kevin's College and Ruyton Girls School in Melbourne, to St Margaret’s and St Aidan’s in Brisbane. Career Avenues currently has 50 school partnerships. For a full list, please contact us at info@careeravenues.com.au.

Can parents attend an interview?

Yes they can - both within a school and individual setting. Interviews are run via video conference, so parents are able to join remotely from wherever they are at the time. Parents are encouraged to observe, take notes and allow the student to be the primary focus.

Why Career Avenues?
How is this different to other careers reports?

Our report is not simply computer generated. Each report is individually reviewed by a careers professional to ensure personality style, reasoning strengths, interests, individual context and career possibilities are cohesive.

Unlike other programs, ours has been designed and developed over many years for the Australian education system and is supported by local counsellors knowedgeable in modern career pathways.

Within a school environment, we work closely to ensure the program aligns with the needs of the school, is integrated with broader Career Education and Development activities, is supported by contemporary theory and clearly maps to the Australian Blueprint for Career Development framework.