For Schools

Career Avenues seeks to develop meaningful relationships with our partner schools to help strengthen their Career Development programs and outcomes.

Student Image

Key Components

A Career Development Program for each school is developed separately, considering individual needs and requirements.

Career Avenues engagement usually occurs prior to Year 10 subject selection, and includes a facilitated 2.5 to 3 hour profiling session and Careers Profile Report.

Follow-up interviews are usually 30 minutes, and may be conducted by Career Avenues counsellors, the school Careers Advisor, or via a group feedback session. Career Avenues also provides access to our structured Action Plan process.

Profile Report
Careers Profile Report
Resources and Action Plan

Careers Profile Report

Report Cover

Your Careers Profile Report has five sections. Using insights from your online profiling session, it explores:

Your Personal Style or how you relate, notice, decide and act. Exploring your natural tendencies helps direct your career exploration and consider environments in which you best thrive.

Your Career Interests or patterns from your perception of different occupations. This is useful to direct your career exploration to the areas which most connect with you.

Your Problem Solving Skills across six different styles of reasoning. Different types of reasoning skills help unlock different opportunities.

Your Transferable Skills which represent core skills employers value across a range of jobs and industries.

Possibilities - putting it all together, we develop an initial list of opportunities you might want to explore further.


In an optional 30 minute interview, our counsellors will take students through their report. They will then help explore the career ideas given in the report, and to formulate an action plan.

Students in Years 9 and 10 will benefit from considering alternative options and suitable subject choices for Years 11 and 12.


Resources and Action Plan

Action Plan

Our Action Plan process is designed to help students develop their own conclusions and take change of the next stage of their career decision making.

We do this through first guiding students to embrace those qualities which make them unique. We then explore opportunities, both from and in addition to those in their Careers Profile Report. Finally, we help students launch their career decision making through providing a structured process and connecting them with the best external resources to take the next step.

A Partnership

Our aim is to make the program as easy as possible to administer, while ensuring connection and ownership through the school Careers Contact.

A variety of dashboards make key information on student progress, interview scheduling and action plans at your fingertips, enabling more effective student follow-up and support.

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